Everybody’s Got a Post-It

There is something about being pregnant that instantly turns you into a giant magnet for opinions and advice.

It’s understandable.

I mean, everyone wants to help or relive their own experiences when they hear about your big news.  I’m extremely grateful for the women who have been offering me loving advice and information and allowing me to feel empowerd by the fact that so many women have gone before me in this endeavor.

The fact that everbody’s got a Post-It for me is okay.  Some of the reminders and things written on them have been making my day and encouraging me when I feel like I’m never going to figure things out.  Some of the best stickies I’ve received have sounded something like this:

  • The Lord knows what we can handle
  • The morning sickness will pass and it’s all worth it!
  • Prayer works!

However, today I’ve been facing a monster.  It’s kind of a literal monster, but it’s also figurative too.

I was talking with someone today who felt it necessary to tell me about the horror that I was in for.  I tried to avoid the conversation, but she trapped me.  Does that ever happen to you?

I tried to listen politely, but throughout the whole conversation I kept imagining each piece of terrible advice as a black sticky note she was sticking to me.  Then, when the conversation was over and she had gone, I imagined myself picking off every last one of her stickies, crumpling them up into a big ball and throwing it in the trash.

I don’t think this person meant me any harm – she was just sharing her honest opinons and feelings.  Yet, in my opinion, there is a difference between honestly sharing your own experience and projecting pain, complications and misfortune onto someone else.  What good is 9 months of fear going to do me?

My hope is that no matter how __________ (insert choice word here) my delivery is, that I would recall the good and the beautiful before I bring up the other stuff.  I hope that I will be so in love with this baby that any pain or discomfort will seem completely worth it.  In fact, I just ordered the book Supernatural Childbirth today so I plan to begin reading that as soon as it arrives.

So far, pregnancy is challenging my perspectives more than anything.  I’m realizing that my perspectives literally shape my life.  And I’m realizing that I have a lot of thought-shifting to do.  I don’t think I’ve ever felt so weak before God.  Because without Him, it is literally impossible to raise this child the way I’ve always dreamed of raising him/her.  BIG reality check.

So hey, if you have a nice brightly-colored Post-It, please send it my way!  The more positive faith-filled encouragement I can cover myself with right now, the better!

4 thoughts on “Everybody’s Got a Post-It

  1. Save all the happy sticky notes. Wisely, toss the black ones. Enjoy the wonder of your own journey to motherhood. It will be unlike anyone else’s. Whether joyful, challenged, anxious, or awed by all that’s transpiring, know that the Lord holds you with His immense love and power. Carrying and nurturing a new life, to me, is so mysterious and amazing. Embrace it all and the One who has purposed this journey just for you. You are loved with an everlasting love. Hugs to you, sweet mama-to-be.

    • Bernadette: thank your for your lovely words. And you’re right, it is so mysterious and amazing. Like i know it’s real, but it still just seems so “out there.” 🙂

  2. While I have never been pregnant, so my sticky note may not be as valid…but I am a daughter. And a friend. I have yet to hear from others that any pain or tough circumstances have not been worth the joy of seeing that beautiful face. My mom’s greatest joy was having me and my brother. I know that God is going to bring to you a level of joy you have yet to know…the fulfillment of a dream of multiplying His heart into the lives of others through your children. Such a blessing! You and Jon are going to make wonderful parents! I can only imagine the fun in store for you two. Praying for lots of laughter, in the preparation, in the process, and as you raise this child, and the ones to follow 🙂

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